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Page Properties

Platform URL


API Endpoints

Add Publisher

POST - https://{enterprise}

Import Publishers

POST - https://{enterprise}

Edit Publisher

PUT - https://{enterprise}{publisher-ID}

Delete Publisher



List all Publishers

GET - https://{enterprise}

Populate country dropdown

GET- https://{enterprise}

List all Campaign for Publisher

GET - https://{enterprise}

Publisher Statistics

GET - https://{enterprise}{Date-Time-Stamp}&endTs={Date-Time-Stamp}&publisherId={publisher-ID}

Publisher Lead Statistics

GET - https://{enterprise}{Date-Time-Stamp}&endTs={Date-Time-Stamp}&publisherId={publisher-ID}

Get details of Publisher bands for the campaign

GET - https://{enterprise}

Resend Assets



Tracking Info



Contract History

GET - https://{enterprise}{campaign-ID}&{publisher-ID}

List All lead mapping template



Lead Import



Lead Export





GET- https://{enterprise}

POST - https://{enterprise}

Bulk Edit

GET- https://{enterprise}

GET- https://{enterprise}{formId}/campaign/{campaignId}/form-mapping

POST - https://{enterprise}

Campaign Performance Report

POST - https://{enterprise}

Campaign Information




Jira Legacy
serverSystem JIRA

Document status


Document owner

Danny Hannah Adam Carter

Technical writers

Danny Hannah Adam Carter Arunima Kurup Prasad Vijay Alexander

Related Content

Campaign Publisher Management Campaign Admin Setup

🏠 Feature Overview

Within the Convertr platform, Publishers are the lead data providers.


If the campaign setting ‘Allow Bulk Editing of data' is enabled on a campaign, the publisher user will be able to see the 'Bulk Edit’ option against the campaign.


>>working of bulk edit>> Arunima Kurup Prasad Using the ‘Bulk Edit’ feature, a publisher can edit data on multiple leads without having to action each lead individually. To use bulk edit, the publisher must first ‘Export’ the leads on the campaign using ‘Lead Export’ option.

Next, in the CSV file, they should make the necessary changes to the lead data, e.g., update the company_size, job_title etc.

The next step is to select the ‘Bulk Edit’ option available against the campaign to upload the updated CSV file.


On step 1: Upload, the user must select the form and upload the updated CSV file.


On step 2: Mapping, the form fields must be mapped to the CSV file. All CSV fields will be defaulted to ‘Do Not Change’.

‘Lead Id’ is a mandatory field and must be mapped to the lead Id field in the CSV file. The changes will be made only if the lead Ids on the campaign match those in the CSV file.

For the fields that need to be updated, the user must select the appropriate field name from the CSV file to map them correctly.


On Step 3: Preview, the user will be shown 5 rows previewing the changes to the selected fields. A banner will be displayed showing the number of leads that will be affected by the change. The user has to accept the confirmation checkbox to enable the Save button.


When the user clicks on Save, the below confirmation box is shown where the user has to enter the number of leads that will be affected by the change.


If the user enters the correct value and clicks on Yes, the changes will be made to the leads and an email will be sent to the user confirming the changes.


4. Resend Creative Assets
