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🏠 Feature Overview
Within the Convertr platform, Publishers are the lead data providers. Publisher ‘organisation(s)’ are created on the platform by an Admin or Agency user as a listing and a publisher (publisher user role) user is created and associated to the Publisher ‘organisation(s)’ to manage that account.
Admin and Agency users will can assign publishers to a campaign. When assigned to a campaign the publisher is given a number of billable (valid & delivered) leads that they are able to fulfil and an amount that they will be paid for each lead.
Publisher users will log into the platform and have a limited view whereby they can see basic reporting, lead data delivery, tracking information and information rules on campaigns that the Publisher ‘organisation(s)’ has been assigned to deliver lead data.
Signing Publisher Contract
Before they can submit lead data into the Convertr platform, they the Publisher user must agree to the Ts&Cs which are defined by the Admin and Agency users and is distributed by email. In some cases, it is possible to have the publisher contract auto signed at the time of assignment (See Campaign Admin setup for details)
>>>screenshots of publisher contract and auto sign option in campaign > admin > setup>>>
Create and Manage Publisher ‘organisation(s)’ Accounts
As an Admin or Agency user, they will be able to users and Agency users can add, edit and delete publisher accounts on the platform.They should also be able to assign these publishers to a Campaign (See Campaign Publisher Management page). The core information they would like to be able to store is a company name and basic contact information for the main stakeholder.
They should also be able to assign users to this company so that they can log in to the system and perform the tasks detailed below.
Assigning Publisher(s) to a campaign
Admin users and Agency users can also assign publishers to a Campaign (See Campaign Publisher Management page).
>>>screenshot of campaign > publisher assignment>>>
When adding a publisher they should be able to choose to send a welcome email to the contact email address, which will allow the user to sign up and be linked to the new organisation (See Campaign Admin Setup page).
import Importing Lead Data into a Campaign
As an Admin, Agency or Publisher user, they will be able to log into the platform and be able to and Publisher users can import data into a campaign.
>>>screenshots of import and csv file format>>>
>>add details of information collected
When importing data into a campaign they should be able tocan:
Select a publisher
Select a tracking link
Map their data to the campaign form
Load, Reset and delete a saved template
Preview their import (10 rows of data) then opt-in that the data was captured lawfully
Export Exporting Leads from a Campaign
As an Admin, Agency or Publisher user, they will be able to log into the platform and be able to and Publisher users can export all publisher data for that the specific publisher has submitted to a campaign.
>>>screenshot of lead export for publisher>>>
When exporting the data they will be able to filter by status, timeframe (max 1 year), and by QA flags. They can set the order of the export- ASC or DSC.
If the publisher user has multiple publishers assigned to the user account they can also filter by publisher.
They can set the order of the export ASC or DSCThey will also be able to export all rows of publisher data or by selecting the columns they want to export. When selecting this can be done by dragging and dropping my options or by selecting the whole section.
After configuring their options they can then rename the selected columns for export as well as reordering reorder and deleting /or delete their selections.
When exporting they will need to confirm that they understand the terms and conditions before exporting export of the data can start once confirmed .
>>>screenshot TnC>>>
Once confirmed, the export will then go to the exports sections for the user to download. here Here again, they will have to confirm that they understand the terms and conditions before exporting of the data.
>>>screenshot exports and TnC>>>
Resend Creative Assets
hey The user will be able to re-send any creative assets on the selected campaign.
When resending the assets, they will have to confirm that they wish to resend, once . Once this is confirmed, they will receive an email (which is linked to the publisher) with a link where they can download a zipped file with all of the assets on the campaign.
>>>screenshot of mail>>>
View Tracking for the Campaign
As an Admin, Agency or Publisher user, they will be able to and Publisher users can view the tracking links & Impression tag tags and API credentials (the API credentials will only be available if they have created a user) in a modal for that specific publisher on the selected campaign.
View and Download Signed Contracts for the Campaign
As an Admin, Agency or Publisher user, they will be able to and Publisher users can sign any unsigned contracts.As an
Admin, Agency or Publisher user, they will be able to and Publisher users can see and download all signed contracts on the selected campaign.
Download Performance Report(s)
As an Admin, Agency or Publisher user, they will be able to and Publisher users can download a breakdown of the campaign performance . this will include that includes all key campaign performance metrics including Impression, clicks, etc. along with the line item breakdown of all the records.
View Campaign Information
they will be able to view selected:
Admin, Agency and Publisher users can view selected ‘Simple Conditional Validation Jobs
' and 'Validation Lists
Which has Jobs’ which have been specified by an Admin or Agency User, for user. For both the Simple Conditional Validation and Validation List Jobs, the Publisher User will have has the option to download the list of values associated with them. When downloading a simple conditional validation job this will generate a local browser download.
When downloading a validation list job this will generate a download which will be accessible via the export section.
The Publisher user will be able to can see the logic that they need to submit the lead data for it to pass the check eg , e.g.
Endswith etc.
The Publisher user will be able to see the Publisher notes on the campaign that have been populated by the Admin or Agency User on the campaign (See campaign admin setup page).
Custom Tables & Pagination option to customise the table with selected options to choose from
\uD83D\uDDD2 User Permissions
The users should have access to Publishers, to be able to view the publishersPublisher ‘organisation(s)’ are created on the platform by an Admin or Agency user, as a listing and a publisher (publisher user role) user is created and associated to the Publisher ‘organisation(s)’ to manage that account.