Versions Compared


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Page Properties

Platform URL


API Endpoints

 Retrieving campaign totals and Lead totals widgets statistics:

Code Block
GET https://{enterprise}

Retrieving a list of campaigns:

Code Block
GET https://{enterprise}

Retrieving user settings for dashboard table:

Code Block
GET https://{enterprise}

Retrieving links of campaigns:

Code Block
GET https://{enterprise}

Retrieving information of the current user:

Code Block
GET https://{enterprise}

Retrieving a result container of the global search bar:

Code Block
GET https://{enterprise}

Retrieving global notifications:

Code Block
GET https://{enterprise}

Retrieving the global export requests:

Code Block
GET https://{enterprise}


Jira Legacy
serverSystem JIRA

Jira Legacy
serverSystem JIRA

Document status


Document owner

Muge Budak

Technical writers

@ writers

🏠 Feature Overview

After the login process, the user navigated to the Dashboard section which shows campaign totals and the lead totals widgets, also all active and inactive campaigns can be seen from here.


The sidebar is the main navigation, from here the user can access all the different areas of the platform.


Global - Profile & Pasword

This allows the user to update the profile details and password.


This allows the user to log out from the platform.


Global - Header - Search

The global search bar allows the user to search for current/ended campaigns, advertisers, publishers, advertisers, and leads id’s. The user needs to search exact id/name or id/email to see the filtered result list.


Global - Header - Export Requests

This allows the user to find requested export files and download them. The user also can find previously downloaded files.


Global - Header - Platform Support Dropdown

This allows the user to reach Help Centre, Contact Support, and WalkMe.

  • Help Centre: Search through the Help Centre to find articles and guides relevant to questions.

  • Contact Support: Find the best solution to the technical or platform issues, the team reaches the user with the solution after filling out the requested details.

  • WalkMe: Learn more about the product; what each feature does, how it works, and how to use it.


Global - Header - Notification Centre

This allows the user to reach performance reports. The dropdown menu will show the most recent reports that have not yet been downloaded. Reports can be downloaded by selecting the PDF file. The attachments such as the invalid reports can be downloaded within the ZIP file.


The dashboard section provides an overview of the campaign totals and lead totals. Each widget contains a chart to shows show a quick summary of the campaigns and leads.


\uD83C\uDFA8 User interaction and design

Global - Notification CentreHeader - Search: - Platform

Global - Header - Notification Centre: - Customise

Global - Header - Platform Support Dropdown:

Global - Widgets:

(question) Open Questions



Date Answered
