Description | Transform and manipulate incoming values to gain consistent lead detail outputs |
Client Request
Mockup |
www.figma.com/proto/snwQk8H8nVz6kDxecoSKkE/ADVERTISER---Value-Transforms-V1?node-id=2%3A11&scaling=scale-down-width&page-id=0%3A1&starting-point-node-id=2%3A11 |
www.figma.com/proto/Un9iaO4Ac9BKulZFA7dcoF/ADVERTISER---Value-Transforms-V2?node-id=2%3A8&scaling=scale-down-width&page-id=0%3A1&starting-point-node-id=2%3A8 |
www.figma.com/proto/UmZVeHZCHxpBxoUiMY5spM/ADVERTISER---Value-Transforms-V3?node-id=3%3A27&scaling=scale-down-width&page-id=0%3A1&starting-point-node-id=3%3A27 |
www.figma.com/proto/wVikJdjsCDQFGt6jdS11sp/ADVERTISER---Value-Transforms-V3-(Duplicate)?node-id=1%3A12&scaling=scale-down-width&page-id=0%3A1&starting-point-node-id=1%3A12 |
Assets | https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B0Ou1BX7e1gANnIwR0kySU9tSkE |
Quantitative Data:
Info |
Data driven justification for ux/ui changes, especially necessary for organic changes that do not originate from client requests or roadmap features. |
Link | Date Range | Item | Metric & Value | Assumption | ||||||||
00/00/2021 | Metric name
Competitor Research:
Function | Findings | Image | Takeaways | ||||||||||||||||||
Proposal Feedback:
Stakeholder | Date | Changes | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Product | 30/04/21 |
Info |
To be completed after this features release. The retrospective should allow a basis for further improvements to this feature. |
User Feedback
Stakeholder | Date | Description |
Quantitative Data
Link | Date Range | Item | Metric & Value | Assumption | ||||||||
00/00/2021 | Metric name