Product | 11/01/22 | Status |
colour | Yellow |
title | need more info |
Status |
colour | Blue |
title | TO DISCUSS |
Publisher > view > add new button for ‘bulk edit’, therefore mitigates publisher users from having to see leads page to access the button (where they may not even need all the data in the leads page to figure out which leads are invalid and therefore need editingPublisher flow: See invalid leads in table > view export report > export invalid leads > make changes to lead data and make sure lead id column is there > upload csv to ‘bulk edit’ dialog Therefore, publishers need a button in publisher > view to bulk edit on campaigns they are assigned to:
What happens if a lead id is included in bulk edit csv that has not been processed by the form selected? Does it only process the fields that are in mapping step?
Form select dropdown (first step in dialog), needs to be able to search by form ID Mapping step, add new row to have lead ID Last step change wording from ‘edited in the background’ to 'processed in the background' Add confirmation dialog with the ‘452 LEADS’ confirmation On leads > view > notes, have a row to say what data has changed Publisher > view > add actions column button