Name | Definition |
Advertiser | Within the Publisher and Agency verticle as a user you create a campaign on behalf of an Advertiser (client). When creating a campaign this is a way of siloing the data for that particular advertiser (client). For the Brand verticle this would generally reflect regions instead of a client. |
Agencies | Agencies is a way of grouping advertisers together for a particular user. When assigning the agency to a user they will only be able to see the campaigns for the advertsier assigned to the agency |
Always Deliver | Always Deliver mean that the integration job that it is switched for will always run regardless of the processr jobs on the campaign additional any leads that have been integrated using Always Deliver will not be marked as billable. |
Batch | |
Bands | |
Billable | A lead is deemed as ‘Billable' if it has been processed as valid and delivered to an endpoint. Leads can be ‘Billable for Advertisers’ and 'Billable for Publishers’ |
Campaign |