Function | Findings | Image | Takeaways | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Icon and Position & Badge/Counter | Marketo
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Open Action Notification View | Marketo
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colour | Red | title | Reject
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Mix of opening in full page or opening initial popup
Popup has the benefit of having a ‘quick view’ into most recent popups, and can then have the option to ‘View all notifications' from a dedicated page
Based on how ‘busy’ this will be, it can be a popout (requires less space) or slide-out (requires more space) and then if even more space is required then we can have a whole dedicated page
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Contents of notification items options on initial open:
Only show new notifications and ‘read’ notifications are not shown
Should show complete history of notifications and shouldn’t ‘remove’ notifications if they’ve been read as users may come back to notifications, e.g. re-downloading reports
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Item Structure and Indicators
Table on left with basic briefing of subject and time
Panel on right with more information on what the notification is and actions on notification
New notifications are in bold, then once read they are normal font weird
Icon shows type of notification at a glance
Type subtitle above main subject of notification
Time of receipt on right of notification
New notifications have ‘dot’ on the right as well as coloured time of arrival
Photo and icon combination shows type of notification at a glance
Sentence structure includes ‘who’ it’s for and ‘what’ the notification is about changes depending on type of notification
Time of receipt on below of notification
New notifications have ‘dot’ on the right as well brighter text colour for new notifications
Profile photo/company logo/photo combination shows type of notification at a glance
Sentence structure includes ‘who’ it’s for and ‘what’ the notification is about changes depending on type of notification
Time of receipt on right of notification
New notifications have ‘blue’ highlight to contrast again others
Photo and icon combination shows type of notification at a glance
Sentence structure includes ‘who’ it’s for and ‘what’ the notification is about changes depending on type of notification
New notifications have blue background on item panel
Profile picture shows ‘who’ did the action which provided you a notification
Title shows ‘what’ the notification is
Preview of notification gives a link to where it occured
Time of receipt at bottom of notification
New notifications have dot on the right and bold title text
A whole card containing the action and a preview of all the changes made
Title is the card name or subject
Time of change next to all actions that have taken place within card timeline
Notification dot and blue highlight behind new notifications
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Blue background highlight to indication new notification
Visually this is the easiest way to identify a new notification, and will couple well with bolder font weight for specific copy on notification or time of notification arrival
Placement of notification time should be either below or on the right of the notification
Depending on the amount of copy shown for each notification item, maybe bottom alignment would be better to allow more space horizontally for copy
Different sentence structure for different types of notifications
Allows for a subtle differentiation between different notification types
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Dot indicator to show new notifications
Takes up unnessary space where a different coloured background change achieve the same effect without taking up space
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But can also be used to mark items as ‘read’
Use dot indicator as the single action for items will likely just be ‘mark as read’
Differenciate notification types achieved through icon or type title
Icon can be used to show differernt types of notification usually placed on the left of the item copy, but can take up horizontal space
A ‘type’ heading for each notification item could also be helpful but can then increase scrolling
Depends on the different notifications we’ll be adding
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Single Item Interaction
Common mark as read or unread, delete actions
Subscribe action allows setup of notification emails
Option to hide all notifications of a particular type
Clicking item marks as unread
Clicking notification takes you to related area
Common mark as read or unread, delete actions
Option to report issue to support
Clicking notification takes you to related area
Common delete action
Unfollow action unique to this platform
Turn off function hides all notifications of particular type
Can only mark a notification as read if it’s clicked on
Clicking notification takes you to related area
Various social media specific actions
When hovering over notification, can remove it with 'x'
Can only mark individual notification as read by clicking it
Clicking notification takes you to related area
Various links in the timeline within card to take you to notification which marks as read
Can click the blue notification dot to mark as read and unread
Clicking notification takes you to related area
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Include ability to take action on types of notifications, e.g.
Campaign related notification can be clicked to go to that campaign
Report download ready notifiction can be clicked to take you to report download page
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How to handle mark as read or unread? Options:
Clicking on notification marks as read (but can be marked as read via global ‘mark as read’ button)
Dedicated button to mark individual items as read (allows more control)What happens when we mark as read? Do they just unhighlight? This ties in with the amount that we’re going to show in the popup?
Either dot indicator or words that say ‘mark as read’ that toggles to ‘mark as unread’ when clicked
Do we allow control to not show notifications of a particular type?
Allow a filter to show just ‘unread’ notifications
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Do we allow deleting/hiding of notification items? Or keep all notification items permanently there and therefore can only be organised by read and unreadDo we allow control to not show notifications of a particular type?
Just marking as read and unread (for v1 for now)
Do we have sections for when notifications came in, e.g. section for todays notifications, for yesterday, for last week, etc.
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Additional Settings
Filter for type of notification
Subscribe action allows setup of notification emails
Filter for type of notification
Dedicated settings page (https://app.hubspot.com/notification-preferences/4975419/desktop)
Can turn on/off all bell notifications
Can turn on/off all popover notification
Can turn on/off all browser push notifications
Play browser sound when new notification comes in
Depending on notification type, decide if it comes in via bell/popover/browser notification
Dedicated settings page
Can select which types of notifications come through
Dedicated settings page
Can toggle on/off different types of notifications
Can turn on/off all browser/sms/email notifications
Mark all as read option
No dedicated settings page
Tabs for different notification priority (direct/watching)
Filter by unread notifications
Mark all as ready read button
Change email frequency
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‘Mark all as read' action
Include this action as it allows quick management of new notifications
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‘View all notifications’ action
Do we have this dedicated page to show a history of all notifications?
This page can inclue a search to help find history of notifications
Can allow subscribing to different notification types/hiding notifications
V2 probably
Depending on level of feature scope, a ‘subscribe’ service to send equivalent notification via email could be a great addition
But will then need a management area for this
Probably not, as notification center will try and reduce the amount of emails that we’re current;y sending
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Proposal Feedback:
Stakeholder | Date | Changes | ||||||||||||||||||||||||