This needs to be requested from the following url using a POST request. Once the token has been returned, it will expire after 60 minutes.
GET | https://{enterprise}.cvtr.io |
/api/v3/campaign/{CAMPAIGN_ID}/leads/{LEAD_ID}?access_token={ACCESS_TOKEN} |
Parameter | Required | Description |
clientCAMPAIGN_idID | Yes | Client ID which is supplied on a platform wide bases |
client_secret | Yes | Client Secret which is supplied on a platform wide bases |
grant_type | Yes | Must be set to "password"Campaign ID of lead |
LEAD_ID | Yes | Lead ID |
ACCESS_TOKEN | Yes | Access token (more information) |
username | Yes | Your username |
password | Yes | Your password |
{ access_token: "ODM5NTIwNjk1MjdhNTMzMzk0MTY2Y2ZkYjg2OWFlN2Y5YzZlNTk1NmUwZmVjOGRkMDhhMzllYTA2ZTA0MDI3Zg" expires_in: 3600 token_type: "bearer" scope: null refresh_token: "YTQzODk3MDdiM2FhMGYzODYyOTcyOTBkYWZiZWI3YzJmNmEwYmJkYWJiM2I0NzU1Y2Q5OTcwZDA0YzhiZGNjYQ" } |