If set to no, no password will be needed to be set.
Notification Emails
This is where a user can set the emails of the users who need to receive a notification.
If the connection is Email the email address in the notification emails will receive the download link or the file.
If set to any other connection the user will receive an email informing then that the file was sent with the lead ids
To add multiples it needs to be formated like this:
BCC Emails
This is the same as notification emails but when sent the email they will be in BCC
Batch Hour (mandatory) is the hour in which the file integration will commence for eg if it is set to 11 this will compile all leads before 11 only so for instance if the lead came in at 11:01 this would not be included in the file being sent.
Days of the week the days of the week of when the file will be sent