Batch Hour (mandatory) is the hour in which the file integration will commence for eg if it is set to 11 this will compile all leads before 11 only so for instance if the lead came in at 11:01 this would not be included in the file being sent.
Days of the week(1 selection mandatory): the days of the week of when the file will be sent
This connection type will send an email to email configured in the notification emails section.
The user will receive an email like this for example:
These connection types allow the user of the platform to place the file on to an FTP and FTPS Server.
The below details will have to be sent form the customer who is receiving the data.
Server, is the URL on the FTP/FTPS server
Port the number of the port on the server
Passive - this can be set to true or false
This connection type allows the user of the platform to place the file on to an SFTP Server.
The below details will have to be sent form the customer who is receiving the data.
Server, is the URL on the FTP/FTPS server
Port the number of the port on the server
Access Type
app Folder Access - the user will only have access on a folder level