Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


With this integration, you will be able to schedule sends for any days of the week, which automatically sends a password-protected file to the end-user. 

File Format


The file for the user has two options to type here:

  • xlsx

  • csv

Include Fields


The section of the configuration allows users to map the Convertr Fields to the excel spreadsheet

On the left-hand side, this is the naming of the columns on the right-hand side these are the fields that those columns will be referencing.

File Type


Important: Please be aware that if this file_type is changed mid-campaign this will interrupt the current process and may affect your next file send.


The leads sent to this file type will be stored in the database and encrypted. They will only be appended to the existing CSV file when the reports runs at the scheduled time. This means that any of the new leads that have been deleted, invalidated, marked as test or undelivered will all be removed from pending send, right up until the scheduled delivery date and time.

CSV Delimiter


The CSV delimiter will only be used if the file type is set to CSV. This setting determines how the CSV is separated.

  • 0 is None (needs to be deprecated)

  • 1 is comma eg value1,value2,value3

  • 2 is


  • semicolon eg value1;value2;value3

CSV Encapsulation


The CSV delimiter will only be used if the file type is set to CSV. This setting determines how the CSV is encapsulated.

  • 0 is none

  • 1 is a single quote eg ‘value1’

  • 2 is a double quote eg “value1”

  • 3 is tab (needs to be deprecated)



File Name



Here is where you can name the file that the user will download.

Below are all the placeholders:

  • %campID% : This will pull through the Convertr Campaign ID.

  • %campaignName% : This will pull through the Convertr Campaign Name.

  • %Y%: theyear that file was created eg 2020

  • %y% theyear that file was created showing the last 2 digits of the year eg 20

  • %D% eg theyear that file was created (non-numeric) eg Mon, Tue, Wed

  • %d%: the day that file was created (numeric) eg 01,02,03

  • %H%: the hour that file was created in a 24-hour format eg 23:00

  • %h% the hour that file was created in a 12-hour format eg 11

  • %i%: theminute that file was created eg 00:01:00

  • %M% the month that file was created (non-numeric) eg JAN, FEB

  • %m%: the month that file was created (numeric) eg

  • %s% the seconds on when the file was created with leading zeros


  • eg 00:00:01

Finally, the file can be saved with XLSX or CSV conventions.



This setting is used when configuring a connection for either and FTP, SFTP or SFTPS.

When using the path the user can specify exactly in the directory when the file needs to be saved.

Eg /mainfolder/subfolder/saving folder

Send ZIP (recommended)


ZIP Password


For the send ZIP, this allows the user to put a password on the file.

if sent the true then to add a password you will have to fill in the ZIP Password configuration to set it.


If set to no, no password will be needed to be set.

Notification Emails


BCC Emails




